AIOU University BBA 131 Micro Economics Past Exam Paper Spring 2007

In Spring 2007 Semester Allama Iqbal Open University was taken BBA/BA, B.Com, BS (CS/IT) B.Sc/Bachelor level final exams through various types of papers on different subjects, BBA paper course code 131 "Micro-Economicswas one of them. Paper time was 03 hours and out of 100 marks students were required to get at least 40 marks to pass this paper.

BBA-131 Micro EconomicsAIOU Past paper

Important Topics in Microeconomics for Spring 2007

These included "Wage determination in perfection competition, need of building economic models, Socialism, Categories of price elasticity of demand, "Cobb-Douglas production function" Flexible exchange rates, Mixed and Market Economy, IMF, Marginal Utility, transitivity of preferences, Law of diminishing marginal utility with schedule and graph, marginal cost and price under perfect competition, price discrimination and monopolist, imperfect competition and monopoly, Impact and importance of international trade on a country economy, oligopoly model,

Other Topics BBA 131 Micro Economics Allama Iqbal Open University
Law of substitution and indifference curves, Economies and dis-economies of scale, pure monopoly and the perfect competition, cost function vs production function, industry equilibrium under perfect competition, innovations increases efficiency of production, homogeneous and non-homogeneous production functions, cartel agreement and joint profit .Micro and Macro Economics, Positive and Normative Economics, Scarcity and Choice, Role of government in imperfectly competitive market conditions, Opportunity Cost concept, Law of increasing cost or diminishing return, economic efficiency & growth, Islamic Economic System, Resource Allocation & Prices mechanism, bad effects and good points of mixed economy, Cardinal and Ordinal Utility, Individual and Market Demand Curve, Understanding of Equilibrium of Supply and Demand Curves, Utility Analysis, Marginal Utility, Law of Equi-marginal Utility, Law of Demand, elasticity, Price elasticity of demand, Indifference Curve Analysis, Properties of indifference curve, consumer equilibrium, indifference curve techniques, Forms of Business Organizations, firm, Private and public limited companies, Sole proprietorship vs Partnership, diminishing return, Firm demand curve and the market demand curve, perfect competition, monopolistic competition, monopoly and oligopoly, Interest, rent and profit, Supply of capital.

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